I have a graph with quite some information stored in its vertices and edges.
Now I would like to perform some analyses on the general overall topology of
the graph. Therefore I don't need this "big graph" but only a graph that has
the same number of nodes and matching edges to the "big graph".
To this end, I wanted to use the adjacency_list() constructor together with an
EdgeIterator that models the InputIterator so the routines of the boost-graph
library would take care of creating the new "simple graph", which indeed would
be a nice solution.
However, I just don't get it how to program an EdgeIterator with the following
constraints (taken from
The EdgeIterator must be a model of InputIterator. The value type of the
EdgeIterator must be a std::pair, where the type in the pair is an integer
Here's what I experimented with so far:
<--- Code --->
template< class EdgeIterator, class Edge >
class MyEdgeIterator// : public input_iterator< std::pair >
MyEdgeIterator() {};
MyEdgeIterator(EdgeIterator& rhs) : actual_edge_it_(rhs) {};
MyEdgeIterator(const MyEdgeIterator& to_copy) {};
bool operator==(const MyEdgeIterator& to_compare)
return actual_edge_it_ == to_compare.actual_edge_it_;
bool operator!=(const MyEdgeIterator& to_compare)
return !(*this == to_compare);
Edge operator*() const
return *actual_edge_it_;
const MyEdgeIterator* operator->() const;
MyEdgeIterator& operator ++()
return *this;
MyEdgeIterator operator ++(int)
MyEdgeIterator tmp = *this;
return tmp;
EdgeIterator& actual_edge_it_;
<--- Code-End --->
Especially, I'm having trouble with the fact that the EdgeIterator must return
a pair of the vertex indices that the actual edge "points to".
I think that this must include something like get(vertex_index_t,
adjacency_list(...), source(*EdgeIterator, adjacency_list(...)). But this
would mean that e.g. MyEdgeIterator would additionally need the vertex-
property map of vetex indices. This seems a bit too much information packed
into this one, small iterator.
Thank you.
Best regards,