On 12 December 2010 11:03, Wilhelm
Just another question:
is there a simple way to generate slides (html / pdf) with quickbook?
No, not a simple way. There is some docbook support for slides: http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/slides/current/doc/ Quickbook would have to be adapted to support the slide document type (which would be pretty easy), then the build system would have to be adapted to support this (might be easy for someone who understands Boost Build better than I do) or you'd need to set up an alternative build system (this could be pretty simple if you have a build system that supports docbook, it could probably skip the boostbook to docbook stage). After that, it'd probably require some tweaking since quickbook is tailored towards documentation generation (could be done with quickbook templates at first). So it's possible, but you'd only want to do it if you're already invested in quickbook. Daniel