Something to share –
I had difficulties compiling a .cu file with
#include <boost/random.hpp> with cuda 3.0 and msvc 9.0
The nvcc compiler first complained about not having stdint.h (true, it’s not part of cuda or msvc). I #undef’d BOOST_HAS_STDINT_H in the config/compiler/nvcc.hpp header but then it complained about wrong int limits in base_traits. I figured
out that setting
#define BOOST_MSVC 1500
makes that error go away. I assume this breaks portability since nvcc.hpp is now locked to msvc but there doesn’t seem to be a mechanism for telling boost about the nvcc host compiler. So ugly for now, but it seems to work at least for
There’s another problem with my code but it’s probably not boost related, that is the mvsc debugger pointer jumps around wildly at some point in the code and then it crashes. In release mode, the program runs fine until the end when it
too crashes. If you think you have an idea, I’ll post the code.