Hi everyone, I'm trying to cross compile boost 1.36, and having an issue regarding boost.python compilation. In fact the cross compile is getting right. I'm using this script to cross compile boost: echo "using gcc : i686 : $CC ;" > tools/build/v2/user-config.jam cd tools/jam/src ./build.sh cp bin.*/bjam $BASE_DIR/toolchain/$TOOLCHAIN_VER/$TOOLCHAIN/bin/ cd ../../../ bjam -d2 --toolset=gcc-i686 --prefix=${ROOTFS_DIR}/usr --with-python install Boost.python compiles right, but when I want to link to the created library (libboost_python...) it failes with some strange errors: libboost_python-gcc-mt-1_36.so: undefined reference to `PyUnicodeUCS4_FromEncodedObject' libboost_python-gcc-mt-1_36.so: undefined reference to `PyUnicodeUCS4_AsWideChar' I googled a bit, and it seems that this problem is because libboost_python was not compiled with the same python version than the one I've corsscompiled with. And this is the problem. When reading the boost compilation log: "i686-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc" -ftemplate-depth-128 -O3 -finline-functions -Wno-inline -Wall -fPIC -pthread -DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB=1 -DBOOST_PYTHON_SOURCE -DNDEBUG -I"." -I"/usr/include/python2.5" -c -o "bin.v2/libs/python/build/gcc-calaos/release/threading-multi/dict.o" "libs/python/src/dict.cpp" bjam is using the host include path for python (the -I/usr/include/python2.5 option), and this is wrong. How can I force bjam to use ${ROOTFS_DIR}/usr/include/python2.5 for python include path, instead of the one of my host system? I don't know how boost is checking and detecting python cflags. Using python-config? Is there a way to tell bjam to use ${ROOTFS_DIR}/usr/bin/python-config? Thanks, -- ------------------------ Raoul Hecky