2010/2/18 Ryan McConnehey
I like your concept for deallocating the object that pool handed out. I am using a private static class within pool to provide the function to the shared_ptr destructor. This allowed the object to be delete if the pool was destroyed but causes a bottleneck for other pools of the same type.
As I understand your case is multiple buffers used in async operations in boost::asio. First: to gain performance, you need some reusable objects pool mechanics to avoid constant allocation/deallocation of memory used by buffers. Second: buffers must survive pool destruction while being used. Am I correct?
I have two questions. One, shouldn't the PoolObjectDeleter should be a template class?
To template or not is totally up to you :) Do you need some generic reusable code(could take some time to develop) or you need fast feature implementation and move further?
Two, why is the PoolObjectDeleter passed a shared_ptr<void>? It seems the pool_mem is to help with reference counting to determine if the pool is destroyed. Yet, I thought the enable_shared_from_this took care of the reference counting with the pool.lock().
In my sample pool_mem is malloc'ed objects data bodies memory, it would
cause undefined behavior if accessed after "free". To avoid that shared_ptr
is passed to PoolObjectDeleter. To determine if the pool is destroyed
weak_ptr<Pool> is used.
If I'm correct about your case I'd like to post some more code:
typedef shared_ptrasio::buffer buffer_ptr;
class PoolBufferDeleter
weak_ptr<Pool> pool;
PoolBufferDeleter(const shared_ptr<Pool> &p) : pool(p) {}
void operator()(asio::buffer *buf) {
shared_ptr<Pool> shared_pool = this->pool.lock();
else {