Dear all,
I am trying to use callable_contexts to evaluate expressions like:
x >> f >> g >> h;
where this would be equivalent to h(g(f(x))). I have derived my context from callable_context, and thought I have overloaded for relevant tags (terminal and shift_right). GCC 4.5.1 (MinGW32, WinXP, SP3) stops with an error message which is cryptic to my current level of knowledge about Proto. I guess that's because I haven't done the job correctely. For your reference, I have included a copy of my program as well as the error GCC gives me in the P.S. section of this posting. Any ideas please?
#include <iostream>
namespace mpl = boost::mpl;
namespace proto = boost::proto;
using proto::_;
using namespace std;
struct EWGrandDad
int evaluate() const;
typedef proto::terminal FunctionType;
template<typename> struct EmtExpr;
struct EmtGrammar:
struct EmtDomain: proto::domain {};
template<typename Expr>
struct EmtExpr
: proto::extends
typedef proto::extends base_type;
EmtExpr(const Expr& e = Expr()): base_type(e) {}
struct EWBase
: EmtExpr
typedef typename proto::terminal<EWGrandDad>::type expr_type;
EWBase(): EmtExpr(expr_type::make(EWGrandDad())) {}
struct EW1: EWBase
EW1(int n1, int n2): n1_(n1), n2_(n2) {}
int evaluate() const {return n1_ * n2_;}
int n1_, n2_;
double times2(double d) {return d * 2;}
double minus1(double d) {return d - 1;}
struct EmtContext: proto::callable_context<const EmtContext>
typedef double result_type;
result_type operator() (proto::tag::terminal, const EWGrandDad& ew) const
return ew.evaluate();
template<typename Expr>
result_type operator() (proto::tag::shift_right, const Expr& e, FunctionType f) const
return f(proto::eval(e, *this));
int main()
EmtContext emtCtx;
cout << "result = " << emtCtx(EW1(4, 5) >> ×2 >> &minus1);
return 0;
<error message>
main.cpp: In function 'int main()':
main.cpp:82:63: error: no match for call to '(EmtContext) (const boost::lazy_enable_if_c, 0l> > >, 2l> >&, EmtExpr, 0l> > >, 2l>)> >::type)'
main.cpp:67:14: note: candidate is: EmtContext::result_type EmtContext::operator()(boost::proto::tag::terminal, const EWGrandDad&) const