-----Original Message----- From: Boost-users [mailto:boost-users-bounces@wowbagger.crest.iu.edu] On Behalf Of John Maddock via Boost-users Sent: 20 April 2017 19:22 To: boost-users@lists.boost.org Cc: John Maddock Subject: Re: [Boost-users] really dumb question about quickbook
On 20/04/2017 19:05, Robert Ramey via Boost-users wrote:
On 4/20/17 9:45 AM, Robert Ramey via Boost-users wrote:
From http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_64_0/doc/html/quickbook/syntax/structure.htm... I see:
"Sections can nest, and that results in a hierarchy in the table of contents."
But it doesn't seem to work for me - I get an error message which alludes to extra endsect tag.
That's the error then, you have mismatched sections and endsect's.
Or so it seems? I'd bet on an errant space *before* a [section...] or [endsect] (Been there, done that - more than once). (Even after labelling with a comment after each [endsect[ to help avoid mismatches. (Been there, done that too). [section:some some_section] section stuff ... [endsect] [/section:some some_section] HTH Paul --- Paul A. Bristow Prizet Farmhouse Kendal UK LA8 8AB +44 (0) 1539 561830