Hi Joaquin,
I have to use actually two or more threads on procedure pool. I start seeing same
Problem when I have three/four threads working on same procedure pool. I tried to introduce mutex (ACE_Guard) but still having problems in execution in one/two minute of execution.
Seems I am guarding every method that is used by container. Anything wrong with the
Following code?
* Identifier pool of procedure. This procedure will be un-sorted
* hashed index provided by procedures unique id retuned by procedure.
* It internally uses boost hashed index for indexing the procedures
* in procedure pool.
* @author Priyank Patel
* @since Mar 30, 2006
#include "Procedure.h"
using boost::multi_index_container;
using namespace boost::multi_index;
* Defines tag used for procedure id.
struct procedure_id_tag {
class Procedure_Pool: boost::noncopyable {
* Type definition for multi index container.
typedef multi_index_container<
tag, const_mem_fun >
> Procedure_Hashed_Pool;
* Type definition for indexing based on procedure id tag.
typedef Procedure_Hashed_Pool::index::type Procedure_By_Id;
* Constructor.
Procedure_Pool(): pool_(), procedure_by_id_(pool_.get()) {
* Adds specified procedure in this pool.
* It will intenally used procedures id() method to index procedure.
* @param _procedure Procedure to be added in this pool
* @return Success (0) or Failure (-1) based on addition happened or not
int add_by_id(Procedure * _procedure);
* Removes procedure from this pool.
* @param _procedure procedure that needs to be removed
* @return Success (0) or Failure (1) based on removal happend or not
int remove_by_id(Procedure * _procedure);
* Retrieves procedure based on specified id.
* @param _id Identifier
* @return Procedure Pointer to procedure. Returns 0 if procedure not found
Procedure * find_by_id(int _id);
* Returns true if procedure is present otherwise returns false.
* @param _procedure procedure that needs to found
* @return true if found or false if not found
//bool find_by_id(Procedure * _procedure);
* boost multiindex object that is associated with this pool.
Procedure_Hashed_Pool pool_;
* Refernece of pool that is indexed by procedure id tag.
Procedure_By_Id &procedure_by_id_;
ACE_Mutex mutex_;
#include "../include/Procedure_Pool.h"
int Procedure_Pool::add_by_id(Procedure * _procedure)
ACE_ASSERT(_procedure != 0);
ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, "ADDING %d\n", _procedure->id()));
if (find_by_id(_procedure->id()) == 0) {
ACE_Guard guard(mutex_);
// procedure not found
// debug info
ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, "Added procedure : %d \n", _procedure->id()));
// return success
return 0;
} else {
// error
ACE_ERROR((LD_ERROR "%N:%l Error in adding procedure : %d \n", _procedure->id()));
// return failure
return -1;
int Procedure_Pool::remove_by_id(Procedure * _procedure)
ACE_ASSERT(_procedure != 0);
ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, "REMOVING: %d \n", _procedure->id()));
if (find_by_id(_procedure->id()) != 0) {
ACE_Guard guard(mutex_);
// procedure found
ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, "Removed procedure : %d \n", _procedure->id()));
return 0;
} else {
ACE_ERROR((LD_ERROR "%N:%l Error in removing procedure : %d \n", _procedure->id()));
return -1;
Procedure * Procedure_Pool::find_by_id(int _id)
ACE_Guard guard(mutex_);
Procedure_By_Id::iterator it = procedure_by_id_.find(_id);
if (it != procedure_by_id_.end()) {
ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, "%N:%l Found procedure for id: %d \n", _id));
return *it;
ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, "%N:%l Not able to found procedure for id: %d \n", _id));
// return null
return 0;
-----Original Message-----
From: boost-users-bounces@lists.boost.org [mailto:boost-users-bounces@lists.boost.org] On Behalf Of JOAQUIN LOPEZ MU?Z
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2006 2:12 PM
To: boost-users@lists.boost.org
Subject: Re: [Boost-users] [multi_index] thread safety
----- Mensaje original -----
De: george
Fecha: Jueves, Mayo 11, 2006 7:27 pm
Asunto: Re: [Boost-users] [multi_index] thread safety
hello Joaquin
Hello George,
You have to lockguard every access to the container; note this also
includes, for instance, container traversal with iterators, i.e.
iterator displacement. Strictly speaking, iterator dereference
should also be lockguarded, although I can say unofficially that
unguarded dereference is OK.
can you explain a litle more?
as I konw from STL, multiple readers is ok.
reading and inserting a new object does't invalidate iterators(for
pointer-based conteiners offcourse,list, map etc...)
Correct. This also holds for multi_index_containers.
a concurrent read and insert in multi_index are not (safely)possible?
I mean there might be an iterator invalidation?
Concurrent reading and writing is not safe, but the issue has nothing to do with iterator invalidation.
...I think I've got a hunch about what you've got in mind.
When I say that you've got to lockguard iterator displacement, what I mean is: consider a concurrent write operation and an iterator increment; this concurrency is not thread safe and undefined behavior results: a possible outcome is iterator invalidation, but you could also get an app crash, a corrupted data structure, an infinite loop or whatever. Tecnhically speaking, an invalid iterator is a perfectly legal state for an iterator to be in, which has nothing to do with undefined behavior resulting from violating thread safety guarantees.
I'm not sure I made myself clear :) Insist on me if I didn't.
offcourse there is a chance for a 'dirty-read' but this for the domain
of the aplication if it is a problem and not for multi_index.
I don't get what you mean here, would you care to elaborate?
Joaquín M López Muñoz
Telefónica, Investigación y Desarrollo
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