A easy way to fix this would be to put the serialization code in the source file instead of the header file but I can't get this to work...
There is no reason why this shouldn't work. Invest some effort figuring out why it won't link. Check namespaces.
Robert Ramey
"Fred Lupien" wrote in message news:32e6d6bf0709300738u77850377t2bf40ec5501b882f@mail.gmail.com...
I am using the boost serialization library in a personal project and ran into a recursive include problem. Class A serialize an object of class B and class B also serialize an object of class A. So class A must be a complete type in class B and class B must be a complete type in class A, hence the recursive include problem. I always end up with unresolved externals if the body of my serialization functions are not within the header file. Any way around this beside switching to non-intrusive serialization?
Frédérick Martel-Lupien
Étudiant en Génie Informatique
Université de Sherbrooke
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