Hello everybody out there ! Hossein Haeri a écrit :
Sorry, but I'm not with you at all. In fact, I'm about to give the same answer I gave to Yoann; BLAS, generally, stands for "basic linear algebraic" algorithms, and not for "basic algoirthms" of "linear algebra". Got the point? Am I right? Or, am I missing anything?
I think you mixed up with LINPACK and ARPACK, which gives many linear algorithms, just like comput eigen values and so on. Then, the question must not be : why is it not in uBLAS, which is a reimplementation of the BLAS library. The question probably got to be : why not reimplement LINPACK and ARPACK in Boost ? As far as I am concern, this is a good idea and if the project is starting, I will be glad to give the help I can. But this probably got to be debated on developers list. Best regards. Yoann LE BARS