Am 06.04.2010, 17:00 Uhr, schrieb Vladimir Prus
Jean-Pierre Bergamin wrote:
Hello everyone
I'm trying to build boost 1.42 on XP with Visual Studio 2005 with the following commands in the Visual Studio Command Prompt:
set boost_dir=C:\Programme\boost\boost_1_42_0 bjam --build-type=complete --with-thread --with-test --with-system --with-serialization --with-regex --with-program_options --with-filesystem --with-date_time --prefix=%boost_dir% --includedir=%boost_dir% --libdir=%boost_dir%\lib --exec-prefix=%boost_dir% install
Now bjam "hangs", using 50% CPU (one core fully utilized), after this output:
For how long does it stay this way? Just want to make sure this is hang, and not an unexpectedly slow, but ultimately successful, execution.
Ooops. I let it run in the background and after 35 minutes (!!!) the build started. Versions < 1.40.0 never had this issue that it took so long before the build started. I either need a new notebook or more patience. :-) But thanks anyway James