failed targets are probably the ones with unicode which is not supported on windows. I never get all targets built but it still works very fine. To get more info, add "-d2" on the command line of bjam and redirect ouput to a file ">& mylog.txt" Fred a écrit sur 20/05/2008 23:02:24 :
1. I download the 1.35 .tar.bz2 file. 2. untar it within cygwin 3. copy the folder onto c;\ 4. inside cygwin, navigate to c:\boost\tools\jam\src 5. ./ gcc to build the bjam.exe 6. copy the bjam.exe from c:\boost\tools\jam\src\bin.cygwinx86 to c:\boost 7. navigate back to c;\boost\ 8. type "./bjam --build-dir=boost-binary --boolset=gcc stage" to build boost 9. after a while, the result are as following: ...failed updateing 13 targets ... ...skipped 13 targets ... ...updated 288 targets ...
I successfully built it on linux without any failure.
any comments?
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