On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 5:49 PM, JOAQUIN M. LOPEZ MUÑOZ
using namespace boost; using boost::multi_index::detail::has_tag;
struct has_index { typedef typename BMI::index_type_list index_type_list; typedef typename mpl::end ::type index_type_list_end; typedef typename has_tag<TAG>::template apply ::type iter; has_tag applies to each index individually, not the entire index_type_list.
I see it now. Thanks for pointing it out. One last question tonight :) Similarly to how I can now statically enable/disable code based on which index is implemented by a BMI, can one also change that code based on whether the index is unique vs non-unique? Or ordered vs hashed? For example, using D's static if, could I do static if (index.is_unique) { // using index.find } else { // using index.equal_range } Thanks, --DD