21 Mar
21 Mar
4:50 a.m.
const_string_test.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall boost::unit_test::test_suite::test_suite(class boost::unit_test::basic_cstring<char const >)" (??0test_suite@unit_test@boost@@QAE@V?$basic_cstring@$$CBD@12@@Z) referenced in function "class boost::unit_test::test_suite * __cdecl init_unit_test_suite(int,char * * const)" (?init_unit_test_suite@@YAPAVtest_suite@unit_test@boost@@HQAPAD@Z)
You need to link with the Unit Test Framework component of Boost.Test Compile it (using bjam or you could use project file supplied with library, VC 2005 will cmvert it to appropriate format automatically) and add to the list of libraries to link with. HTH, Gennadiy