Hello. I have just been looking recently at the subgraph feature of the BGL. If I understand correctly, in order to use it you *must* first create a root subgraph; you can't use an existing Graph as the root and call create_subgraph on that adjacency_list, for example. It also seems like when you create a subgraph, it is somehow stored on the root subgraph, since create_subgraph() has a return type of subgraph<Graph>&. As it returns a reference, I assume that the actual object is somehow stored on the root. But I need to create and delete lots of subgraphs on a given root graph. Creating the subgraph is no problem; however how can I deleted them ??? I could just leave them, of course, but that's an obvious waste of resources... Is there an answer to my question? If possible, I'd also like to learn a little bit more about the subgraph implementation (all I can suppose from the documentation is that it is stored in some kind of tree data-strucutre). Last, could someone make an announcement about when bundled properties will be available for subgraph, either in the CVS or in a minor revision to the BGL ? (I think someone suggested that idea in oprder to fix problematic bugs like the remove_edge fail...) I absolutely need soon the subgraph implementation of bundled properties, so as soon as it's in the CVS i'll have to fetch it. Thank you, Jean-Noël