Try avoiding the default handling that serialization uses. template<class Archive> void save_image_ptr(Archive & ar, IplImage const * const iptr){ ar << binary_object(iptr, sizeof(IplImage)); } template<class Archive> void load_image_ptr(Archive & ar, IplImage * & iptr){ iptr = cvCreateImage(...); ar >> binary_object(iptr, sizeof(IplImage) } Robert Ramey Anders Sundman wrote:
Is it possible to serialize a class A by pointer using a custom allocator? (Not the custom in-place allocator approach).
I'm trying to serialize the (OpenCV) class IplImage. The class is used like this:
IplImage* img = cvCreateImage(...); ... cvReleaseImage(&img);
I've tried the following:
template<class Archive> inline void load_construct_data(Archive & ar, IplImage * img, const unsigned int file_version){ ... IplImage* tmpImg = cvCreateImage(...); memcpy(img, tmpImg, sizeof(IplImage)); }
But I get exceptions later, when releasing the loaded image. As far as I can tell, the image class data is identical before and after serialization, so I guess that the cvCreateImage/cvReleaseImage keep track of pointers somehow and things go bad when the ReleaseImage is called by a pointer not returned by the CreateImage function?
Can the allocation of the IplImage used as input to load_construct_data be customized somehow?
I also tried using an IplImage * & as input to load_construct_data:
template<class Archive> inline void load_construct_data(Archive & ar, _IplImage * & img, const unsigned int file_version){ _IplImage* tmpImg = cvCreateImage(...); delete img; img = tmpImg; }
But that screws up the (de)serialization.
Any suggestions or thoughts anyone?
// Anders Sundman