Hi, I will have to work on bjam based project (rather big). I normally use QT Creator for programming and work with cmake based project. I could't find any hint how to set up an bjam project to work with QT neither information about any IDE which supports bjam. Do boost developer use vim and debug using gdb only? Actually the other guys on the project wrote some python scripts which parse bjam output to generated vcproj files :-@ I would be happy to hear from someone who are happy using bjam with qtcreator or any other IDE for larger projects and how to set this up. All my searches so far regarding bjam return almost exclusively FUD (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt) but looking at the Jamroot.jam file of the project (more than 1000 lines) I am inclinded to believe it. ;-( -- Witold Eryk Wolski -- Witold Eryk Wolski