14 Jul
14 Jul
7:59 p.m.
On 7/14/06, Michael Nicolella
With 7.1+ there's no reason to use stlport - the dinkumware library that comes with it is just dandy.
I would recommend getting 8.0(2005) over 7.1(2003). It's better.
Hi, First of all, I must say this is not the right list for this question. You should direct this questions to comp.lang.c++ Where you should have more feedback. The STL that comes wth VC7.1 has too many locks, mainly on locale code, which can kill completely the performance of your program, causing too many context switches. For this the STLPort is a very good alternative. Besides, the checked iterators are very good for debugging. But, configure VC7.1 to use STLPort is a pain. -- Felipe Magno de Almeida