On Fri, 12 Apr 2002 15:38:09 -0700, Paul Dubuc wrote: Slightly off-topic, but ... ... have a look at GRETA, my own regular expression template library. I have found it to be as much as 7x faster than boost regex. It's free for non-commercial use. You can download the source code from: http://research.microsoft.com/projects/greta I'd love any feedback you might have. The interface is not nearly as nice or as rich as Dr. Maddock's, but it's just about the fastest C/C++ regex library I've tested. Wide chars, backreferences, full Perl 5 syntax, etc., etc. Eric P.S. I work for Microsoft, but my posts are my own and do not express the views of Microsoft.
I'm doing some performance comparisons between Rogue Wave's Regexp class (http://www.roguewave.com/support/docs/tlsref/rwcregexp.cfm) and boost::regex using simple expressions like "^metal.*" and "[0-9]+" with regex_search(). regex is slower by a factor of 6, measuring cpu time (on a SunBlade 100 runing Solaris 8). Is there anything I can do to speed it up? I tried using different values of boost::regbase::flag_type_ to adjust how the regular expressions are interpreted, but with little effect. Any other ideas? (I'm using boost_1_27_0.)