Le 15/03/12 20:27, Carsten Greiner a écrit :
in the boost vault exists the boost_enum library. (file name enum_rev4.6.zip).


I'm working on Boost.Enums (see http://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/sandbox/enums/libs/enums/doc/html/index.html).

Boost.Enums provides:

Unfortunately the library is not ready for review and I will not have time to make it ready very soon.

Any comments are welcome.

and I have four questions:

- provided I create documentation for it, could someone assist me in adding it to the package?

- which mailing list is appropriate for reviewing feedback of the created documentation (maybe that Q applies to all of my points)
The development list.

- what format should I use when creating the documentation
The final format should be HTML. You can use whatever you want to achieve this, even manually. Most of the Boost libraries are using now Quickbook.

- and last but not least: adding it to the official release would be initiated then via the development list, right?

The addition of a library need a review (See http://www.boost.org/community/reviews.html).
