The following snippet won't compile since the compiler can't deduce the
template argument:
template<typename T>
void foo(boost::function<T> func) { /*...*/ }
void bar() {}
void baz()
foo(boost::bind(&bar)); // error
foo(boost::bind(&bar)); // OK
foo(boost::function(boost::bind(&bar))); // OK
So how do I get the first line of baz to work? That is, is there a
generic way to compute the boost::function type from the bind result?
Background code follows here:
template<typename T>
T getArg(int i) { /*...*/ }
template<typename T>
struct arity_dispatch;
struct arity_dispatch< boost::function >
static void call(const boost::function& f)
{ f(); }
template<class T>
struct arity_dispatch< boost::function >
static void call(const boost::function& f)
{ f(getArg<T>(0)); }
struct arity_dispatch< boost::function >
static void call(const boost::function& f)
{ f(getArg<T>(0), getArg<T>(1)); }
template<typename T>
void generic_call(boost::function<T> func)
arity_dispatch< boost::function<T> >::call(func);
Neither is it possible for me to call "generic_call" with a boost::bind
result nor is it possible to (partial) specialize for the _bi::_bind_t
types as these types are internal ones. Also it seems that I can't even
statically compute the arity of a boost::bind result (which would indeed
help a lot).
Any suggestions? If not I propose the introduction of a type
function_type in the return type of a bind expression (I already needed
it once before).
Thanks in advance
Olaf Krzikalla