I'm experimenting with boost::split_regex and ran into an issue. The
first three examples (results1, results2, results3) compile and work
as expected. The last one (results4) does not compile. Here's the code
I'm using:
std::string str1("hello abc-ABC-aBc goodbye");
static const boost::regex re("-ABC-");
std::vectorstd::string::iterator > results1;
boost::ifind_all( results1, str1, "abc" );
std::vectorstd::string::iterator > results2;
boost::split(results2, str1, boost::is_any_of("-"));
std::vectorstd::string results3;
boost::split_regex(results3, str1, re);
std::vectorstd::string::iterator > results4;
// compile error on this line:
boost::split_regex(results4, str1, re);
I've read the documents here: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_48_0/doc/html/boost/algorithm/split_regex.ht...
and I believe my usage of split_regex is correct? It compiles and
works with std::string (results3) but not with boost::iterator_range.
The compiler error is long and verbose, so I'm hesitant to post it
here. I was hoping that someone could look at the usage example I
provided and see how I'm doing it wrong. I prefer iterator_range as it
does not make a copy.
Thanks for any advice!