I don't mind any one off small leaks. They may not be nice but no one is going to notice them. What bothers me is when memory keeps leaking for each iteration of the loop.
I don't bother with the microsoft crt leak stuff. It's rarely that much use in complex projects and even if it does detect a leak it rarely can tell you where it is. As it turns out the crt leak detect stuff doesn't seem to show any leak (at least on my system), but lets say I put in my own my own leak of say new char[10] or something then the leak messages pour out.
Well I totally disagree. I am working now on a project, which solution consists of 73 vc-projects (more than 2500 files) and it does not leak memory in its main loop, thanks to the debug crt of m$. We have overwritten the new and delete operator like m$ in MFC does so we get accurate memory leak reporting. If you take this business serious one can not allow any memory leak reported by the debug crt. And of course if you use rare fct's like VirtualAlloc or GlobalAlloc, they are not reported, but there is really no need to use them. Even the speed advantage can be argued about. Wkr, me