7 Jan
7 Jan
10:20 p.m.
Hi, I'm have an issue with polygons from the geometry library using the spherical_equatorial coordinates when the polygon is meant to wrap a pole. e.g. namespace bg = boost::geometry; typedef bg::model::point < double, 2, bg::cs::spherical_equatorialbg::degree > LonLatPoint; bg::model::polygon < LonLatPoint> northPoleBoundary; double lon = -180; while (lon <= 180) { bg::append(northPoleBoundary, LonLatPoint(lon, 88)); lon += 5; } LonLatPoint northPole(90, 0); bool isInNorthPole = bg::within(northPole, northPoleBoundary); This code is giving me isInNorthPole == false. Am I constructing my polygon incorrectly? Is this a bug? Or is this behavior simply not implemented? Thanks for your help!