If you want to, I can give you a code which give the inverse of an non sigular matrix, the pseudo-inverse if the matrix is not inversible. It use the Pan and Rieff algorithm and it works with uBlas.
Sure! Cool! I mean, for the moment being, that seems nice. Could you please bother doing that ASAP? And one remained point: Does that take after Boost, and, more specifically, uBLAS? (Although I'd understand that as soon as I see the code.)
But, well, there is many times a better way than inverse the matrix. What do you want to do ?
Hmmm... This time, it was the vague of a general system of n equations to be solved for n variables. But that just made me curious to find it in the Boost. And that's not why I'm likely to need it in the future. That is, if you want to know the reason, you should wait until I use them in a more real problem. However, as I told previously, I find lack of it a big shame for a high-brough developped library such as Boost. Consider further the lack of determinat, etc. All of the Best, --Hossein ___________________________________________________________ ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more fun! http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com