I am trying to get my DLL to get linked statically with the boost::regex library and having _no success_. I have tried putting this line into one of the header files:
That will do the job, provided you don't want the regex code exposed from the dll.
And I have tried this line, alone and in combination with the above:
Add the source directly to the project if you use that one (or build as a static lib yourself, with whatever build options you require).
I have tried putting the .lib file boost_regex_vc6_mdi.lib into the list of includes under Project->Settings->Link, with or without the above lines. I give up! And of course people want this thing yesterday. Please help?
Sorry, too late for Yesterday :-) John Maddock http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/john_maddock/index.htm