Hello Denis Bondarenko Denis ha escrito:
Hi! I'm a newbie in boost. I'm using boost with Cygwin gcc 3.4.4. After installing the libraries I didn't found documentation on some libs (for example boost.multi_index) locally. I downloaded sources (1.33) from www.boost.org, but didn't find required documentation either. But it is in on-line documentation at boost.org. How can I get the whole current documentation as a single archive? Will be grateful for your help.
If you downloaded the right file (following boost.org->Download) then the documentation for all the libs is already included. Some of the libs have their docs at <boost root>/doc/html/<name of the lib>/ (<boost root> is the dir you uncompressed the file to) while others have it under <boost root>/libs/<name of the lib>/doc/ Boost.MultiIndex is of the latter type, I guess this is why you couldn't find its docs. Additionally, if you point your browser to <boost root>/index.htm you'll open up a local copy of the entire Boost site, from which you can easily navigate through the docs. Hope this helps, welcome to Boost, Joaquín M López Muñoz Telefónica, Investigación y Desarrollo