On Thu, 25 Sep 2008 10:28:43 +0200, Roland Bock
we are using the POCO library for logging, too. There are lots of nice concepts in it. It is easy to get started.
On the other hand, I cannot help but feel that there must be a more elegant and flexible way to do the things they do. IMHO, they have a tendency to re-invent the wheel sometimes, coming up with their own and quite different smart pointers, threading library, etc.
In the long run, we plan to replace it, without knowing the replacement and despite the fact that Poco::Logging is the best I have come to play with, yet.
Maybe we will take the basic ideas and write something on our own using boost?
I've been using John's logging library before I switched to Andrey's library. While there are various reasons I think the most important is that Andrey uses attributes to route messages from sources to sinks. It's a bit more sophisticated than writing to a sink directly where I'd wonder otherwise if I need a logging library at all. What's nice about the Poco library (I just had a quick look at the documentation) that it seems to support various platform-specific logging facilities. That would be another strong reason for me to use a logging library instead of simply writing messages to a file myself. Boris