I am trying to make a simple program that can generate random integers in
range, using boost::uniform_int.
This tutorial tells:
"We use mt19937http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_45_0/doc/html/boost/mt19937.htmlwith
the default seed as a source of randomness. The numbers produced will
be the same every time the program is run. One common method to change this
is to seed with the current time (std::time(0) defined in ctime)."
I have trouble getting this common method compile and work. Here's a tiny
program that works, with the same seed at every run (like what the tutorial
does), I have commented out my desperate tries to make the seed change.
#include "uniform_int.hpp"
#include "boost/random/variate_generator.hpp"
#include "boost/random/mersenne_twister.hpp"