gravou em 03/08/2004 07:10:48:

> > this is one of the errors I got when compiling boost regex with vc7.1 +
> You get those errors if you build with STLPort *without* iostream support.
> Unfortunately there are so many build variations possible (with or without
> STLPort iostream, with or without /Zc:wchar_t, with or without __STL_DEBUG)
> that it's almost impossible to diagnose errors via email (as a few people on
> this list have already discovered - sorry about that).
Yeah I´m one of those now ;-)

> Simplest option: add the source (in libs/regex/src) directly to your
> project, or else create a lib target in your IDE and build from there.

The stlport_test project you sent tweety some time ago, worked fine adding the source to the project, but when I add the sources to my project it gives an error about already defined symbols (STL symbols)

I know i'm pushing it on proposing this, but could you give some step-by-step solution on building that lib target in vc71, this gave me some errors also.....

The main goal is to use STLPORT + BOOST::REGEX + SPIRIT + BOOST::SOMETHING_ELSE_I_DUNNO_YET in the project

> John.
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> Boost-users mailing list

Best Regards and thanks in advance for the Help....