Hi again,
On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 6:15 PM, Johan Oudinet
I have a bidirectional adjacency list and I want to use the inv_adjacent_vertices method However, the following code does not compile: typedef boost::graph_traits<Graph> Traits; typedef typename Traits::inv_adjacency_iterator inv_adjacency_iterator; inv_adjacency_iterator w, w_end; boost::tie (w, w_end) = inv_adjacent_vertices (v, g_);
The problem is that inv_adjacency_iterator is not part of boost::graph_traits :-(
Could you tell me how can I use the inv_adjacent_vertices method (i.e., how can I declare an inv_adjacent_iterator)?
Obviously, I found a workaround 2 minutes after sending this email...
which consist in using the inv_adjacency_iterator_generator:
typedef typename boost::inv_adjacency_iterator_generator