thanks for your help, but I ended up discovering that the message was
*4 bytes to the right, with x00 x00 x00 x00 x22 when the message should
start with x22, hence the invalid signature.
The problem was with the constructor of boost::asio::buffer, it was
boost::asio::buffer(&m_messageSize, sizeof(unsigned int)) when it should be
boost::asio::buffer(&m_messageSize, sizeof(std::size_t))
since in 64 bits sizeof(unsigned int) = 4 and sizeof(size_t) is 8
problem solved
2012/5/28 Jeff Flinn
On 5/25/2012 2:44 PM, Ibrahim Beicker wrote:
I had to port a multi-process application to 64 bits and I rely on boost serialization to send messages, that are maps of key-values, into Microsoft queues to the other modules. It works just fine into 32 bits but when I run it in 64 the constructor throws an "invalid signature" exception
void Message::fromBinary( const std::string& data ) { std::stringstream ss; ss << data; boost::archive::binary_**iarchive ia(ss); //exception here
ia >> *this; }
Have you tried:
void Message::fromBinary( const std::string& data ) { std::istringstream ss(data, std::ios::binary);
boost::archive::binary_**iarchive ia(ss); //exception here
ia >> *this; }
The output side should be opened with "binary" as well. I'm surprised this didn't cause problems with 32bit as well.
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