The concept of namespace isn't really applicable to member functions. Member functions are invoked the syntax. object.member_function(...) The member function will be invoked regardless of the namespace the object might have been delcared in. non-member functions behave according to namespace rules as you expect. Robert Ramey Merrill Cornish wrote:
In the Serialization tutorial, and example is given of the "intrusive" method that looks like this:
private: friend class boost::serialization::access; template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version) { ar& var1; ar& var2; ar& var3; }
There is full namespace qualification on "access" but nothing on "serialize()". It appears that serialize() would be in whatever the prevailing application namespace is (which might not be std).
Later in the tutorial there is an example of the "non-intrusive" method that looks like this"
namespace boost { namespace serialization {
template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version) { ar& var1; ar& var2; ar& var3; }
}//serialization }//boost
which implies that serialize() *DOES* need to be namespace qualified.
So, what's really needed?