Daniel F. Savarese writes:
To the OP, I would advise you not take statements such as the above as gospel without performing measurements yourself. My experience[1] is directly contrary to the above. I find boost::serialization execution time to be negligible (for binary archives) and entirely suitable for high performance networking applications even if that was not the creator's original objective (a credit to Robert Ramey's skill).
With respect for the library and Ramey, I'd like to point out that results obtained with the Boost Serialization library are frequently less efficient than those from the C++ Middleware Writer -- http://webEbenezer.net/comparison.htmlhttp://webebenezer.net/comparison.html . Additionally, the C++ Middleware Writer automates the job of writing serialization functions for structs/classes unless it is directed not to do so. Regards, Brian Wood Ebenezer Enterprises www.webEbenezer.net "Then Samuel took a rock and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer [Rock of Help] and said, 'Until now the L-RD has helped us.'"