Next problem :)
asio's use_future returns a std::future. when_all() expects boost::futures.
I can't find an obvious way to convert between the two and/or get
asio's use_future to return a boost::future.
My understanding is that std::futures are pretty much a re-namespaced
boost::future (aka, boost's implementation was standardised).
My compiler (clang, Apple LLVM version 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.42.1),
bundled with Xcode 8.2.1) doesn't come with experimental/future (see
Besides re-implementing all the "magic" in asio/impl/use_future.hpp,
is there a way to mix these future types?
On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 1:16 PM, Gavin Lambert
FWIW, the top Google hit for "boost future" links to the 1.55 docs (which do not have when_all), but there is indeed a big yellow box at the top of the page which links to the latest version.
Perhaps it didn't look enough like a hyperlink so you mentally skipped it. :)
Now that you've told me that its there I can't miss it. Perhaps I just mentally skipped it before as it doesn't look much like a link and is inline with the header.