I am using Numerical Recipes routines and I am trying to call this function
void mrqmin(Vec_I_DP &x, Vec_I_DP &y, Vec_I_DP &sig, Vec_IO_DP &a,
Vec_I_BOOL &ia, Mat_O_DP &covar, Mat_O_DP &alpha, DP &chisq,
void funcs(const DP, Vec_I_DP &, DP &, Vec_O_DP &), DP &alamda);
and I would like to call it with funcs being a member function pointer
of one of my class. I can declare the member as static but then I
cannot access member variable, which is the goal here. Someone suggested
to use boost to solve the problem. His solution is here
I tried to implement this but the result is this
error: cannot convert `boost::function