Hello. On the webpage I read: In case if your test cases may throw custom exceptions (see here for list of exceptions translated by default), you could register translator specific for that exception. http://www.boost.org/libs/test/doc/components/utf/index.html So, if I understand it right, if I throw some custom exception in my test program and do not catch it, then it is catched by the boost test framework and reported in the proper way - if the exception can be translated by default. Now I look at the exceptions, which can be translated by default and see: In majority of the cases the monitored function doesn't need to throw the boost::execution_exception to report an error in the Execution Monitor. If you want a custom error message to be included into the execution_exception's error message, use one of the following C++ types as an exception: * C string. * std:string. * any exception class in std::exception hierarchy. http://www.boost.org/libs/test/doc/components/execution_monitor/index.html#c... So, I can use a C string for my exception. I have written a small example test case and included throwing of an uncaught exception in it: try{ throw "blub"; } catch(char* ex){ throw; } As I started the testing process I didn't get a "blub"-Exception message, but Boost.Test internal framework error: unknown reason So, what's wrong? Why is "blub" not reported as "blub"? Can anybody explain that? Regards Ewgenij