I'm trying to use RegEx::Grep(GrepCallback cb, ...) on Windows with VC6. It works great with one exception. I really need the callback to be a method so that I can update attributes in my instance. I've tried about 10 ways and can't get anywhere - VC6 keeps sending back errors. Some of the errors are obvious and some - well, aren't templates wonderful whe it comes to error msgs?!@#$% I'm using MS stl and the example in the docs to get a generic function pointer doesn't work. This is the example in the regex docs: std::bind1st(std::mem_fun(&MyClass::callback), this) Then I tried: boost::bind(&MyClass::callback, this, _1) This simply produces a type that refuses to match GrepCallback. I wish the RegEx code just overloaded RegEx::Grep() to support this. (Is it more crossplatform and the STL way to do things?) I tried several other things including direct casts to GerpCallback, but I'm stuck. Any help in this area would be great. Thanks, Eric