Hi all, Hi Joaquin, I'm using flyweights of strings (aka symbols) for my "format" arguments: a key that specifies the kind of output that should be produced by the printing routines. Sometimes, I have code that roughly resembles to: print_entry_(src, dst, o, dot2tex_ ? symbol("latex") : symbol("text")); My question is: do we have constexpr constructors with Flyweight in such a way that I could have something like: print_entry_(src, dst, o, dot2tex_ ? "latex"sym : "text"sym); and have a single construction of these guys not matter how many times I go throw this piece of code, or should I build them once for all in say a member? print_entry_(src, dst, o, dot2tex_ ? sym_latex : sym_text); I've seen nothing about "constexpr" in the doc.