On 6/4/07, David A. Greene
Hi everyone,
I'm having trouble with BGL's (Boost 1.33.1) topological sort. In my source code I have this simple call:
rev_topo_order; topological_sort(*t, std::back_inserter(rev_topo_order)); Here "t" is an iterator to a list of graphs declared like this:
typedef boost::adjacency_list< boost::setS, // Out edge list type boost::listS, // Vertex list type boost::bidirectionalS, // Needed for DAG, topo sort my_property_bundle // Vertex properties > my_graph_type;
<snip> Hi Dave, The error you're seeing (both in your code and the example you included) is caused because the topological sort algorithm expects a vertex index map - if you don't provide one as a parameter, it uses whatever interior vertex index map the graph has. Even if you declare a vertex index map as an interior property of the graph, you still have to initialize it by mapping each vertex to an integer in the range 0..num_vertices(g)-1. See #5 in the BGL FAQ (http://www.boost.org/libs/graph/doc/faq.html) for an example of how to initialize one. Regards, Aaron