Hello all, I have been trying to build boost 1.33.1 for 64 bit AIX 5.3 on power 5 with eIther gcc or vaccp for a month now. I have tried many, many, ways and have no success. Has anyone ever succeeded? If someone has can you please provide the method of configuration. Kamil Kamil Marcinkowski Westgrid System Administrator kamil@ualberta.ca University of Alberta site Tel.780 492-0354 Research Computing Support Fax.780 492-1729 Academic ICT Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA University of Alberta "This communication is intended for the use of the recipient to which it is addressed, and may contain confidential, personal, and/or privileged information. Please contact us immediately if you are not the intended recipient of this communication. If you are not the intended recipient of this communication, do not copy, distribute, or take action on it. Any communication received in error, or subsequent reply, should be deleted or destroyed."