AMDG On 02/22/2012 07:25 AM, Igor R wrote:
It appears that since 1.47 Boost.Variant has a bug that can be reproduced as follows (MSVC10, Debug mode):
<snip> The last line generates assertion in variant_impl.hpp, line 264, visitation_impl() function: "Boost.Variant internal error: 'which' out of range."
According to the release notes, variant wasn't changed in 1.47, but I recalled teh following discussion: It seems that the above issue is somehow related to this change.
It's unrelated. The problem was introduced in r71083 | steven_watanabe | 2011-04-07 08:35:56 -0700 (Thu, 07 Apr 2011) | 1 line Supress warnings from variant. Refs #4666. I just fixed this in r77098 In Christ, Steven Watanabe