Hi there,
I have a performance problem using the managed_shared_memory and the
interprocess_vector. I attached a minimalistic, compilable example that
demonstrates this.
I create a vector that contains a simple class and I write into this
vector. If the vector is located in the shared_memory this takes much
longer than if it is located in the process-local memory. The main
difference then is the used allocator. But I can not explain it.
If I run the attached code, I get the following results:
(running on Ubuntu 8.10, Boost version 1.40, gcc-Version 4.3.3)
SHMEM_TESTING: Mean: 0.024768 seconds.
else Mean: 0.015022 seconds.
I do not understand where the difference results from. Is there anybody
who has an explanation for that?
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
namespace ipc = boost::interprocess;
double get_timestamp()
boost::xtime timestamp;
boost::xtime_get(×tamp, boost::TIME_UTC);
return timestamp.sec + ((double)timestamp.nsec / 1000000000.0);
class Point3f
double x;
double y;
double z;
#define VECTOR_ELEMENTS 500000
int main()
ipc::managed_shared_memory managed_shm( ipc::create_only, "shmem" ,
VECTOR_ELEMENTS*3*sizeof( double ) + 1024 );
typedef ipc::managed_shared_memory::segment_manager
typedef ipc::allocator void_allocator;
typedef ipc::allocator
typedef ipc::vector Point3fVector;
void_allocator alloc( managed_shm.get_segment_manager() );
Point3fVector * vec = managed_shm.construct<Point3fVector>(
ipc::unique_instance )( alloc );
if ( !vec ) return -1;
ipc::vector<Point3f> * vec = new ipc::vector<Point3f>();
// std::vector<Point3f> * vec = new std::vector<Point3f>();
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < VECTOR_ELEMENTS; ++i )
vec->push_back( Point3f() );
double sum = 0;
unsigned int count = 0;
for ( ; count < 20; ++count )
double t1 = get_timestamp();
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < vec->size(); ++i )
( *vec )[i].x = i;
( *vec )[i].y = i;
( *vec )[i].z = i;
sum += get_timestamp() - t1;
std::cerr << std::fixed << "Mean: " <<
sum/static_cast<double>(count) << " seconds." << std::endl;
return 0;