I'm having trouble when adding elements to a ptr_map. If I use a
ptr_vector instead, it works (code for ptr_map and ptr_vector follows).
* With ptr_map:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
class Base { };
class X : public Base {
std::string text() { std::cout<< std::string("hello world!") <<
std::endl; return std::string("hello world!"); }
class Y : public Base {
int value() { return 5; }
class Z : public Base {
bool isEnabled() { return true; }
// [...]
// There will be hundreds of classes like X, Y and Z, only quite more complex
class ProxyBase {
virtual boost::any field() = 0;
template<class T>
class Proxy : public ProxyBase {
typedef T result_type;
Proxy(T& inst, boost::function f) :
inst_(inst), f_(f) { ; };
boost::any field() {
return boost::any( f_(inst_) );
T& inst_;
boost::function f_;
int main() {
boost::ptr_map m;
X x;
Proxy<X>* px = new Proxy<X>(x, boost::mem_fn(&X::text));
std::cout << "Calling a proxy object Proxy<X> outputs: " <<
boost::any_caststd::string( px->field() ) << std::endl;
// m.insert(std::string("test"), px ); // FIXME Why does this 'insert' fail?
// std::cout << "PTR_MAP Calling a proxy object Proxy<X> outputs: "
<< boost::any_caststd::string( m["test"].field() ) << std::endl;
Y y;
Proxy<Y>* py = new Proxy<Y>(y, boost::mem_fn(&Y::value));
std::cout << "Calling a proxy object Proxy<Y> outputs: " <<
boost::any_cast<int>( py->field() )<< std::endl;
// m.insert(std::string("test2"), py); // FIXME Why does this 'insert' fail?
// std::cout << "PTR_VECTOR Calling a proxy object Proxy<Y> outputs:
" << boost::any_cast<int>( m["test2"].field() ) << std::endl;
Z z;
Proxy<Z>* pz = new Proxy<Z>(z, boost::mem_fn(&Z::isEnabled));
std::cout << "Calling a proxy object Proxy<Z> outputs: " <<
boost::any_cast<bool>( pz->field() )<< std::endl;
// m.insert(std::string("test3"), pz); // FIXME Why does this 'insert' fail?
// std::cout << "PTR_VECTOR Calling a proxy object Proxy<Z> outputs:
" << boost::any_cast<bool>( m["test3"].field() ) << std::endl;
return 0;
* With ptr_vector:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
class Base { };
class X : public Base {
std::string text() { std::cout<< std::string("hello world!") <<
std::endl; return std::string("hello world!"); }
class Y : public Base {
int value() { return 5; }
class Z : public Base {
bool isEnabled() { return true; }
// [...]
// There will be hundreds of classes like X, Y and Z, only quite more complex
class ProxyBase {
virtual boost::any field( std::string name ) = 0;
template<class T>
class Proxy : public ProxyBase {
typedef T result_type;
Proxy(std::string name, T& inst, boost::function f) : name_(name), inst_(inst), f_(f) { ; };
boost::any field( std::string name ) {
if( name == name_ ) { // Just a stub to simulate a container lookup
return boost::any( f_(inst_) );
std::string name_;
T& inst_;
boost::function f_;
int main() {
boost::ptr_vector<ProxyBase> vec;
X x;
Proxy<X>* px = new Proxy<X>("test", x, boost::mem_fn(&X::text));
std::cout << "Calling a proxy object Proxy<X> outputs: " <<
boost::any_caststd::string( px->field("test") ) << std::endl;
std::cout << "PTR_VECTOR Calling a proxy object Proxy<X> outputs: "
<< boost::any_caststd::string( vec[0].field("test") ) << std::endl;
Y y;
Proxy<Y>* py = new Proxy<Y>("test2", y, boost::mem_fn(&Y::value));
std::cout << "Calling a proxy object Proxy<Y> outputs: " <<
boost::any_cast<int>( py->field( "test2" ) )<< std::endl;
std::cout << "PTR_VECTOR Calling a proxy object Proxy<Y> outputs: "
<< boost::any_cast<int>( vec[1].field("test2") ) << std::endl;
Z z;
Proxy<Z>* pz = new Proxy<Z>("test3", z, boost::mem_fn(&Z::isEnabled));
std::cout << "Calling a proxy object Proxy<Z> outputs: " <<
boost::any_cast<bool>( pz->field( "test3" ) )<< std::endl;
std::cout << "PTR_VECTOR Calling a proxy object Proxy<Z> outputs: "
<< boost::any_cast<bool>( vec[2].field("test3") ) << std::endl;
return 0;
Pau Garcia i Quiles
(Due to my workload, I may need 10 days to answer)