16 Jun
16 Jun
2:13 a.m.
On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 7:02 PM, alfC
sorry if I don't get the question right. can't you just do this?
} catch( boost::exception & e ) { throw (e << boost::errinfo_file_name(file_name) ); }
Unless there is a bug in Boost Exception, the above should give you a compile error. By design, to avoid slicing, the boost::exception type is an abstract base type and you can not throw it. The correct syntax would be: e << boost::errinfno_file_name(file_name); throw; //OK, throws the *original* exception object. Emil Dotchevski Reverge Studios, Inc. http://www.revergestudios.com/reblog/index.php?n=ReCode