I'm not sure if it fixes everything, but I was able debug some of the
meta-programming and find a discrepancy between gcc and Sun CC which
causes normal usage to break.
template <class T>
struct internal_base_hook_bool
template<bool Add>
struct two_or_three {one _[2 + Add];};
template <class U> static one test(...);
template <class U> static
test (detail::bool_* = 0);
static const std::size_t value = sizeof(test<T>(0));
On gcc it does what it's suppose to; value =
1 - iff T has no boost_intrusive_tags::is_base_hook
2 - iff T::boost_intrusive_tags::is_base_hook=false
3 - iff T::boost_intrusive_tags::is_base_hook=true
On Sun CC it's always 1. So this is a usage of SFINAE which doesn't seem to work on SunCC, but other examples do work just fine:
class_has_move_assign here:
Note how they use a second test(int) function. This works on Sun CC!
1) I've never submitted a change. Will someone else take this over or
do I need to dive in and submit changes to the repository? Do I need to
talk this library's owner first?
2) Is this a definite CC compiler bug?