9 May
9 May
3:34 a.m.
AMDG On 05/08/2012 10:36 AM, Evaggelos Tsampazis wrote:
Hi! I would like to ask if I can use the boost libraries on the IDE environment of GodeGear RAD studio (C++ builder) 2009? I included the header file
but I got some compilation errors. I would like to use the boost libraries to make a connection to the mobile phone (via USB) to send and receive AT Commands to it. The asio part is the best boost solution for my case. Can anyone help to explain how to make boost libraries work in the environment I am working in?
This compiler is relatively non-compliant. I don't see any tests running with it. Without seeing the errors, I can't say for certain, but it may just be unsupported by Boost.Asio. In Christ, Steven Watanabe