Robert Lockwood wrote: This is my first post, I hope I'm doing it correctly. I just downloaded Boost and want to install regex with Builder 2007. (I have older versions of Builder installed on my machine, too) The instructions are for Builder 6 - will they work for 2007? Perhaps with a little editing?
The following text may help you (as it did with me). Note that this will install the all the boost libraries not just regex. It is a post I found at borland.public.cppbuilder.language.cpp web pages. Vaclav
From borland.public.cppbuilder.language.cpp:
To help non-experts or semi-experts like myself to install boost, I
wrote up the procedure which I just performed an hour ago to install the
latest boost version on my system. I use CB2007, but the bcbboost
patches support BDS2006 and BCB6, so this procedure should work for
those systems as well. See http://bcbboost.sourceforge.net for test
Boost 1.34.0 on CodeGear CB2007 [[ or BDS2006, BCB6 ]]
[[ I used CB2007, YMMV for earlier versions. ]]
1. Obtain following files from sourceforge.net:
From http://sourceforge.net/projects/boost,
boost_1_34_0.zip (or .tar.gz or .tar.bz2)
From http://sourceforge.net/projects/bcbboost/
2. Unpack boost_1_34_0 to a suitable directory, say \src\boost. This
results in a subdirectory \src\boost\boost_1_34_0.
3. Unpack bjam.exe from boost-jam-3.1.14-1-ntx86 directory of
boost-jam-3.1.14-1-ntx86.zip to \src\boost. This results in
bjam.exe in \src\boost.
4. Copy contents of the bcbboost\boost directory in
bcbboost-1_34_0-5_9_0-0.1.zip to \src\boost\boost_1_34_0. This
will copy into directories of the same name as those in the boost
source tree (select yes to all in the copy).
Note: for header-only installation which covers most common usage of
boost, skip to step 7. If you're not sure, see
if you need to build the libraries for your applications.
5. Edit /Src/Boost/boost_1_34_0/tools/build/v2/user-config.jam by
uncommenting appropriate line. Specifically for CB2007, remove the
leading # from the line starting "#using borland : 5.9.0".
[[ For BDS2006, uncomment line for 5.8.2 ]]
[[ For BCB6, uncomment line for 5.6.4 ]]
6. In a command prompt window, invoke bjam in /src/boost/boost_1_34_0
cd \src\boost\boost_1_34_0
..\bjam --toolset=borland stage
There are lots of warnings and errors. There is nothing to do
except ignore them. The libraries that can be built will be built.
7. Copy or move the boost include tree, \src\boost\boost_1_34_0\boost,
to your preferred location. I prefer to put it into the program
include directory, i.e.,
C:\Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\5.0\include
This should result in the directory
C:\Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\5.0\include\boost
containing the boost include files, e.g., format.hpp. In code, you
may then write,