8 Jun
8 Jun
1:48 a.m.
1. I never really understood how to use the property maps correctly/efficienty, but I've found using "bundled properties" fairly straightforward. Like so: http://codepad.org/ThR2i2FI documentation: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_40_0/libs/graph/doc/bundles.html
2. if you want/need to use unsigned ints as vertex descriptors then you need to store the vertices in a vector, like so: http://codepad.org/hLBkPtL5
Thanks all. This example shows two methods of setting an int property (both using a "bundled property", but different syntax/method to address the vertices): http://programmingexamples.net/index.php?title=CPP/Boost/BGL/VertexPropertie... David