On Thu, 2006-12-14 at 04:52 +0000, Silvia Richter wrote:
I'm not sure whether to post here or create a new thread. But since your topic is very similar to my question, I'll post it here.
I have been using listS for both edges and vertices with adjacency_list. According to the online documentation of BGL, clear_vertex() should not invalidate the adjacency_iterator in this case. However, in my code that's exactly what happens: I call adjacent_vertices() on a vertex A, which gives me an adjacency_iterator. Then I remove all edges from A by calling clear_vertex(). Then I want to use the adjacency_iterator obtained previously to check the new degrees of all (previous) neighbours of the removed vertex v. But the program crashes with a segmentation fault, when I try to use the iterator.
Unfortunately, this won't work. Once you've called clear_vertex(), the data that the adjacency_iterator for that vertex relies on has been removed. I believe the table is referring to the stability of other vertices in the graph, e.g., clear_vertex(u) does not affect a traversal through a different vertex v's edges. For your case, you'll probably need to either make a copy of the adjacent vertices before calling clear_vertex(), or use a function like remove_out_edge_if that lets you example each edge as just before it is removed. Cheers, Doug